

The power of CFML,
now on a Raspberry Pi

Blog Archives - 5 Record(s)

Year: '2015' - Month: '3'

Rate Limiting Against DOS

ColdFusion, CommandBox, ContentBox, Raspberry Pi

Since I was feeling adventurous, I posted this blog on Reddit. I used the word "ColdFusion' in the title knowing full well the knee-jerk reaction many people have with the hopes it would spark some good discussion. That's also why I added an "About CFML" page to the site.  I've been enjoying some good conversation, though I'm generally disappointed at the lopsided attention given to performance above all things.  

To "prove" to me how slow CFML is, several of the Reddit readers launched a DOS attack on my Pi with load testing tools.


Adding A Hit Counter Plus ContentBox Cache-Busting

ColdBox, ContentBox, Raspberry Pi

In my previous two posts, I showed how I added live CPU usage and Memory usage to my blog layout to let people see how my Raspberry Pi is holding up hosting a CFML site.  There's one more stat I wanted to add and that is a hit counter so you know how many requests have been served in the last hour.  Since there's no web server logs to parse, I added a simple counter in CFML.  



Adding Live Memory Load

Raspberry Pi

So I said I wanted to add the number of requests per hour next to the top of the site so people could see its load, but Gavin pinged me on Twitter and asked about showing memory usage.  I had thought about memory, so I decided to tackle it.  In addition to getting the amount of used system memory, I decided to also show heap allocation and usage as well.


Adding Live CPU Load

Raspberry Pi

I've been fairly pleased with the performance of my new Pi-based blog, even though the amount of traffic it's received has been fairly small.  I found myself with a PuTTY SSH window open most of the day running a "top" command to see what the CPU usage was.  I wanted to know how much those quad-core ARM cores were getting tickled.

I still don't know how long I'll leave my Pi set up with this blog, but all of a sudden it seemed like a real cool idea to add a live CPU load graph to the top of the site just so other people could see how well it was humming along and whether it was breaking a sweat or not.


Say Hello to CFML on a Pi

CFML, CommandBox, ContentBox, Raspberry Pi

Please welcome the newest CFML site on the Internet.  This one's a little different though because it's running on a $35 device called a Raspberry Pi 2.  These newer versions have 1GB of RAM and a 900MHz quad-core CPU.  The CMS in use is ContentBox Modular CMS and is running on the embedded server of CommandBox (Undertow and Railo Lucee).  

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